I had known Porch School & Art Supply ("Porch's" to the patrons) was going to be closing for a few weeks. I had also known I was going to need 1,150 more panels for months, and had the money to make it happen since the beginning of October. But leave it to my ADHD self to put off calling to order more wood panels (1,150 more, to be exact) until the verrrry last minute.
In fact, I called them on their LITERAL LAST DAY OPEN. When I asked, they said they'll check with their supplier, American Easel, in Oregon, and see what they could do.
I spent a few days in limbo, checking all sources to see if anyone (Amazon, Jerry's, Dick Blick, and others) could even come close to Porch's pricing on these, and...nope. If I had to go somewhere else for these, it would cost me *thousands* of dollars more, and I wouldn't be patronizing a local business.
To put it mildly, I was VERY nervous.
But then I got a call from Ena! They could make it happen! They sent me an invoice, I paid it, and about a week later, two pallets arrived for me! Ed got them all loaded up for us. I thanked him profusely and wished him a happy retirement.
We drove them home and unloaded them that night.
Fun fact: Did you know that a huge pallet of wood panels smells exactly like a Jimmy Johns? When I peeled the cling wrap off the tower of wood panels I was hit with an overwhelming craving for a #7 and some salt and vinegar chips.
I would never turn down this sandwich.
I called Colin over and was like, "You're a woodworker... what's that smell??" He took a big sniff..."Wood glue."
So Jimmy Johns and wood glue smell identical, and now I have the remaining 1,150 panels I need to finish the Allied Arts Step-Up Gifts!
As I write this, I've been up for 30 minutes prepping to paint. Björn is on the floor next to me (he's a good studio helper) and I'm waiting for Colin to come down, see me typing instead of painting, and give me "The Look." And I'll grin a little guiltily but tell him This Is Important
because people have to know
the story of how Porch School and Art Supply
is the real MVP.